This service saves you money by helping you use less mobile data.
It is also well suited for users with hearing or visual impairments.
Always be Mobile Free ™.
Mobile Free ™ Wifi Data Saver 2020 is a Service Widget.
TO TURN ON: just scroll through your Apps to the Widget section and drop Mobile Free ™ on your home screen.
TO TURN OFF: simply remove it from your screen. Repeat as desired.
Mobile Free ™ Wifi Data Saver 2020 will change the way you use your mobile data plan.
Mobile Free ™ WiFi Data Saver 2020 makes sure you always know when your mobile situation changes:
1) Shows you what your current billing situation is. You won't have to guess!
2) Gives an quiet warning whenever you are on a billable mobile network.
3) Gives an friendly ping when you are Mobile Free ™ (guaranteed not billable).
Your billing setting can be found in your Settings Application under Data Usage (see screenshots).
You can only be billed when the Mobile Data setting is ON.
Without Mobile Free™ it is always ON, so you are always billable.
Many mobile customers manage this setting themselves,and have to remember when to turn it off, and back on.
Mobile Free ™ WiFi Saver manages this setting for you, and always lets you know audibly and visually when you are billable, very billable, extremely billable, but most importantly when you are Mobile Free™ (see screenshots).
Your device's connection behaviour remains otherwise unchanged.
The home screen widget changes instantly to keep you visually on top of your mobile costs.
Our beta users love Mobile Free ™ WiFi Saver. They hear a friendly ping when they enter their familiar free Wifi zones. A warning sound always lets them know when they are back on costly mobile data, or completely off-line. They even came up with games like "Hide and Ping", "Cell Break" and others.
Avoid those big mobile bills and may you always be Mobile Free ™!
Other non-monetary advantages:
1) Cycling your Mobile Data setting on and off repeatedly causes your dynamic IP address to refresh.
2) This makes it harder for you to be tracked and targeted by hackers, spammers, etc.
3) Mobile Free ™ Wifi Saver makes sure you are never unknowingly off-line.
4) Mobile Free ™ is implemented with strict adherence to Google's policies and standards.
At home or away, the school or cafe, always be Mobile Free ™ (by Standard3D)
For even more fun, try the new Super High Frame Rate Games in vivid HD 3D ...
Only here at the Standard3D Store on Google Play!
Note: As of Android 5.0, mobile data setting must be manually managed on non-rooted devices.
永远是Mobile Free™。
Mobile Free™Wifi数据保护程序2020是一个服务小部件。
要开启:只需滚动您的应用程序到“小部件”部分,然后在主屏幕上放置Mobile Free™。
Mobile Free™Wifi数据保护程序2020将改变您使用移动数据计划的方式。
Mobile Free™WiFi Data Saver 2020确保您始终知道移动情况何时发生变化:
3)当您使用Mobile Free™时,会进行友好的ping(保证不收费)。
如果没有Mobile Free™,它将始终处于打开状态,因此您始终需要付费。
Mobile Free™WiFi Saver会为您管理此设置,并且在您可计费,非常可计费,极其可计费时(尤其是在使用Mobile Free™时,最重要的是)始终使您在听觉和视觉上知道(请参见屏幕截图)。
我们的Beta版用户喜欢Mobile Free™WiFi Saver。进入熟悉的免费Wifi区域时,他们会听到友好的ping声。当他们返回昂贵的移动数据或完全脱机时,会始终发出警告声。他们甚至想出了诸如“隐藏与平”,“ Cell Break”之类的游戏。
避免那些大笔的手机账单,也许您永远都是Mobile Free™!
3)Mobile Free™Wifi Saver确保您永远不会在不知不觉中脱机。
4)Mobile Free™的执行严格遵守Google的政策和标准。
无论在家中还是在学校或咖啡馆,始终是Mobile Free™(由Standard3D提供)
仅在Google Play的Standard3D商店中!
注意:从Android 5.0开始,必须在非root用户的设备上手动管理移动数据设置。